Welcome to Metropolitan Mid Week Dog Training Club. Our Club was formed in 1967 and has operated from Primula Park Lindfield for over forty years. It is one of more than 50 Dog Training clubs operating in NSW and is affiliated with Dogs NSW, the governing body of canine activities in the state. By joining an affiliated Club, you are bound by the Dogs NSW Rules and Regulations.
Ground Rules
- All members are to pay their ground fees, sign the book and collect a ticket each week.
- Any dog which is thought to be unwell by an Instructor may be asked to leave until such time as a veterinary certificate is provided or the MMWDTC Committee is satisfied that the condition is no longer present or suspicious.
- All dogs on the training ground must be Immunised. Vaccination records must be sighted by the Secretary on joining and again on renewing membership each year.
- Members must wear their name tags at all times whilst on the training grounds.
- No bitch in oestrum will be allowed on the training grounds.
- Dogs must be kept on leash at all times unless in training classes and under the direct supervision of an instructor.
- New members will be accepted on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
- Club equipment such as jumps shall only be used when under instruction.
- Classes using Club equipment will be responsible for returning it to the storage shed at completion of training. This is NOT the responsibility of the Instructor.
- Members whose dogs foul the park are responsible for removing same with a plastic bag which they should carry at all times. This is law under the Dog Act and applies to all public areas.
- Dogs are not permitted in the children’s play area south of the pavilion.
- If a dog makes an unprovoked attack on any person or dog on the training grounds, the handler will be asked to remove the dog from the grounds or muzzle it pending Committee’s decision.
- No children to be allowed on the oval unless training a dog in class.
- No excessive barking is allowed either in class or when tied up.
- No social gathering on the oval during class time will be allowed, since space for classes is limited.
- No dog is to be struck with hand, foot, leash or other object in punishment except in the case of an unprovoked attack. Cruelty or maltreatment will not be tolerated by this Club….
An Early History – circa late 1960’s.

Aims of the Club
To provide community education in responsible dog ownership and canine welfare.
To provide the opportunity for people to receive instruction in the training of their dogs for companion obedience.
To promote the human/animal bond in its many forms. To this end the club actively raises funds for a variety of animal support charities such as Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, decided upon at our Annual General Meeting.
To encourage fellowship among club members.
To promote companion dog obedience as a sport at all levels.
To seek and maintain affiliation with Dogs NSW.
To run obedience trials under Dogs NSW rules.
To develop the further activities of dog and handler through tracking, demonstration work and other activities.