“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.

You are his life, his love, his leader.

He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.

You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”

~ Cicero


Metropolitan Mid-Week Dog Training Club is a voluntary organisation affiliated with DOGS NSW. We train you to train your dog along the lines of the NSW Companion Dog Act and/or to meet the requirements of competition Obedience Dog qualifications. We can help you raise a happy, well-mannered pet which can develop into competition dog trialling if you get the bug.

A $10 rebate is offered for Membership and Renewal on presentation of a Pension Card

Training Times

09:00    Utility Class

09:45    President’s Talk

10.00    Beginners Class 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class
CCD/Novice/Open Class
UD, UDX and specialist rings

Followed by Morning Tea – All welcome


$5.00 weekly ground fees for everyone after the initial 4 week Beginner course.

 Latest News

Training for 2025 resumes on Wednesday 5 February
We can’t wait to see our old members again and welcome new members to the Club. New members can start on the first Wednesday of each month (except December).



Pawsawhile Newsletter

Check out our latest Pawsawhile Newsletter
Download the PDF below

Metropolitan Mid-Week Dog Training Club Incorporated is affiliated with Dogs NSW

Beginners Course

The Beginners course usually commences on the 1st Wednesday of each month ( February to November inclusive ). Please note that all vaccinations must be completed and paperwork sighted upon application. Please try to be at the Club by 9:30am to complete your paperwork and to toilet and settle your pup/dog prior to start time.

Our training is reward based gentle training.

The first session covers the “hows” and “whys” of dog training and gives you a chance to discuss issues specific to your dog, to get a feel of what lies ahead in your dog training.

Your dog/puppy requires an ordinary soft collar and lead. Bring heaps of soft treats – sausage or chopped chicken – NO BREAKFAST for them on training mornings.

Now, your dog won’t be fully trained in six weeks… after Beginners class (at the discretion of the Chief Instructor), you proceed to 1st Class, then 2nd, 3rd Class and then –  who knows – Competition if you are interested in that path.

Tea and coffee are available at 11.00am after training – catch up time…..

Looking forward to meeting newcomers, catching up with friends and the most important reason we all join in the first place – our awesome dogs and puppies.

Diary Notes

Metro Mid-Week Dog Training Club meets every Wednesday. The schedule of activities for each week of the month is included below.

Activity Week of Month
Beginners/New Members Day Week 1
Ring practice for CCD/Novice/Open/Rally Week 1
Club Meetings (alternate months) Week 2
Testing for Beginners to 1st Class Week 3
Instructors Meeting Week 3
Testing for First to Second Class Week 4
Testing for Second to Third Class
Week 4

Wet Weather

In the event of wet or extreme weather, this website will be updated @ 7.30pm the Tuesday preceeding our training days. If you’ve supplied an email address, we’ll also advise via email on the Tuesday. Due to Ku-ring-gai Council regulations and for Insurance purposes, we are not permitted to use the grounds under these circumstances. For further information, click on the Ku-ring-gai Council page – Ground Closures Link: Sportsground closures

Beginners Class will ALWAYS continue regardless of the weather, using the Pavillion sheds on rainy days.

Off Leash Areas

Council currently has 20 off leash areas. These areas are a great way to exercise and socialise your dog, which can help reduce behavioural problems.

Check out the Councils website for locations HERE