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Club Membership

Submit your application for membership to the Metropolitan Mid Week Dog Training Club by completing and submitting the form below. Alternately, download a pdf format membership form and post the completed form to the Secretary using the address details on the form.

In submitting this form I/We hereby apply to be admitted as member/s of the Metropolitan Mid-Week Dog Training Club and in consideration of your acceptance of my/our application and of my/our admission as a member, I/we hereby agree to observe and perform and in all respects to conform and be bound by the constitution and the regulations for the time being of the Club.

Application Form

Membership Type

I/we agree to pay the member subscription as per the scale below which is due 1st July each year.

Payment For

Paws Awhile Magazine

Is your dog vaccinated against: (proof of vaccination is required)

Are you a member of Dogs NSW?

Is your dog registered with Dogs NSW?

Pensioner Discount Applicable

In submitting this form I/we indemnify the Club against any claim for damages for personal injury, however caused.